LexDoYoga with Lexi Jones

While dabbling in yoga here and there over the years for a workout, I really found it as an outlet in 2020 when I was looking for something to fill my cup after losing myself a bit to motherhood. Falling in love with the mental aspect, I began to practice as much as I could through various online classes while the world shut down. Finally getting into studios regularly in 2021, I realized this was where I belonged and wanted to share my journey with anyone who would listen. A graduate of School House Yoga’s 200 hour YTT and certified in the Cosmic Kids 25 hour continuing education program, I am now teaching locally in two studios with a few class options a week. I am also teaching personalized/private classes, hosting retreats twice a year, and regularly running Little Lotuses™ courses around the suburbs of Pittsburgh.

Off the mat you can find me with my nose in a book, checking out a local coffee shop, brunching with friends, or enjoying a quiet day with my family.